Website Development

My Skills Have "Grown Up" With the Internet

Over my career I have adapted to different ways websites have been built. My very first website was created in Microsoft FrontPage, one of the first WYSIWYG programs that did not require writing code. That soon changed when I worked for Country Coach where I hand-coded several websites in HTML. Later, as WYSIWYG programs became more sophisticated, we started using GoLive! on the Country Coach site. As the Internet evolved, I continued to grow by learning how to build websites using content management systems like WordPress.

Click one of the logo links below to see sample screenshots of a few of my webpages.

2015-2020 Lane Transit District Website

In 2014 I was promoted to lead the content migration of Lane Transit District’s website from one Content Management System (CMS) that was corrupting to a new CMS built on a proprietary system called GearBox. The new website provided an improved user interface and better reflected the LTD brand. The change to a new CMS also allowed us to added customized features that utilized a publicly available data feed called GTFS. This real-time data generated by our CAD/AVL transit software was already being consumed by Google Maps. Now, on the new website, features such as instantaneous service disruption notices could be displayed on affected route pages and trips planned on

The pages below are a few sample of work I originally developed during my time at LTD. Click anywhere on the screenshots to see them enlarged. Hover over and pause any screenshot to reveal a red link button that will take you to a full, working version of the page on the Wayback Machine archive website.

Country Coach, Inc. Websites

While my primary role at Country Coach was to write copy for a variety of materials, I eventually grew into the role of webmaster. The 2001 model year website was my first Country Coach website that I coded by myself with artwork from our graphic designer. By the 2003 model year we started using GoLive! to create and maintain the content of the site. We also introduced to the RV industry some of the first virtual reality tours of our luxury coach interiors.

Click the links below to jump to the model year website you wish to see. Click anywhere on the screenshots to see them enlarged.

2003 Model Year Website

2002 Model Year Website

2001 Model Year Website