
A Lifetime of Taking Pictures

I love taking pictures. While it started when I was a child snapping a shot or two with my dad’s camera, my first “big” assign was taking pictures for my high school yearbook. Covering school events required learning how to plan for the unexpected and how to be in the right place to capture the story. Over the years I gravitate towards shooting mostly outdoor scenery with an affinity for national parks. This type of photography takes a different type of planning and sometimes a lot of luck – like when the bighorn sheep crosses the road. While most of my photography has continued to concentrate on the outdoors I have found times when I needed to dust off my skills from yearbook to cover the fleeting, unexpected story. Fortunately, today it does not require the skill to make sure the film is properly spooled in the camera!

Oregon Governor Brown Visits Eugene

Covering a special event has its challenges. There is only one chance to get it right. Click here to see the gallery.

North American National Parks

National parks have a special place in my family's heart and history. Come join me on a quick trip around North America. Click here to start.